
  • Crowdstrike takes down approx 1% of Windows machines worldwide!

    Crowdstrike takes down approx 1% of Windows machines worldwide!



    1% doesn’t seem like a lot until you realise that the one per cent includes some of the world’s biggest banks, TV stations, Cloud Providers, the NHS and plenty of small, medium and large organisations worldwide. Many people initially believed this to be a Microsoft issue; however, it soon became apparent this wasn’t the case.…

  • Microsoft Teams Classic at an end…

    Microsoft Teams Classic at an end…



    Microsoft Teams Classic is now end of life. As of the 1st July 2024, Microsoft will no longer support Teams or provide any updates. We have been recommending that users move to the new version of Teams for a while now. If you haven’t switched, make the switch to keep yourself safe. Microsoft provide some…

  • Let’s see how it goes, but have Microsoft seen sense?

    Let’s see how it goes, but have Microsoft seen sense?



    Microsoft appears to be rowing back from its position with the new Recall feature. Recall is a tool that takes screenshots of EVERYTHING you do as you work on your PC. Previously Recall would be switched on by default, and there were plenty of security concerns about the feature. There are already tools available that…

  • Microsoft Co-Pilot + PC

    Microsoft Co-Pilot + PC



    So Microsoft has tried to flip the script and has released their new range of ARM-based computers titled ‘Co-Pilot + PC’. An edit of the Microsoft event is below. Microsoft has announced a few new features, but Recall is the main one that has caused a big stir and raised questions about privacy. Recall takes…